negative attitude of healthcare professionals towards borderline personality disorder Hi, i would like you to write a dissertation 8000 words. please do not use american english, no colloquialism as last paper i receive comment about colloquialism . Harvard referencing. please use 10 -12 research article in the topic given for the literature review to criticise. Research article should be for the past 5 years if not can go a bit above. School of health Sciences Academic level: 6 Assessment Task: Students will complete a dissertation comprising a comprehensive literature review and a research proposal related to an area of interest within the student’s scope of practice. Students will not be expected to undertake the research proposed. The word count of the dissertation = 8000 words Percentage: 100% ?

Learning Outcomes All learning outcomes for this module are listed below. The module learning outcomes that are being assessed through this assessment task have been highlighted with *. ?? Demonstrate a critical awareness of the key ethical issues in research and the role of ethics committees, as well as the principles of ‘good clinical practice’ within clinical research* ?? Appraise where different types of research sit within the hierarchy of evidence and the application of evidence to practice guidelines and policy* ??

Critically appraise qualitative research design, methods and analysis* ?? Critically appraise quantitative research design, methods and analysis including basic statistics* ?? Demonstrate understanding of research policy and funding, and the ‘research architecture’ of the NHS ?? Explain the benefits and importance of patient and public involvement in research ?? Utilise an appropriate search strategy to retrieve, review and critically appraise information and published literature within your field of practice and develop a research proposal* ?? Demonstrate the ability to work independently and take responsibility for seeking guidance in relation to completion of a literature review and research proposal* The following assessment criteria and guidance gives an indication as to how each outcome can be achieved:

1. Ability to identify and introduce a suitable topic ?? The extent to which you have clearly defined the topic area or problem for the focus of your dissertation ?? Ability to explain the relevance of the topic and its importance to practice. The introduction should set the context with reference to relevant background policy or theory

2. The quality of the literature review ?? Is the purpose of the literature review clear and is it appropriate to the chosen topic? ?? Ability to select and use an effective strategy to identify appropriate evidence relevant to the chosen topic within an area ?? How well you discuss the evidence and information currently available and consider how it helps to illuminate the topic or problem you have chosen ??

The depth and breadth of knowledge and your ability to critically appraise, rather than simply describe the evidence. This must include a discussion of the strengths and limitations of different study designs, methods or theories used in the evidence base. ?? How well the review is structured in terms of coherent themes or key issues identified ?? Ability to identify gaps in the evidence-base and to demonstrate how you have used the knowledge you have gained through the literature to support and justify the proposed research

3. The appropriateness and clarity of the research proposal ?? Ability to select and justify an appropriate research study that follows on from the gaps identified in the literature review ?? Clarity of research question/s or aims and objectives ?? How well you have described and justified the proposed research approach or paradigm (e.g. qualitative, quantitative or mixed method) ?? How well you have described your chosen study design, methodology, methods, sampling and study procedures and discussed the strengths and limitations of these.

This should include any measures to manage validity, credibility or the robustness of the research. ?? How well you have considered use of data collection tools (such as interview schedules, questionnaire etc.) and addressed how results will be analysed ?? The extent to which you have discussed the ethical issues that may arise in relation to your proposed research and how these would be managed ?? Consideration for the governance procedures that the research would need to comply with. Relevant forms, such as consent forms and participant information sheets should be included in the appendices. ?? Address how you would include patient or public involvement within your research and why ?? How insightful is the discussion of the potential impact of the findings and how they will be disseminated ?? Consideration given to project costing and project planning/timeline

4. Level of original insight, independent thinking and clarity of presentation ?? The extent to which you demonstrate original thinking, insight and the ability to make links between research evidence and practice. ?? Completed progress record sheets included in the appendix Finally, we will consider how well the dissertation is structured, how fluent the work is and the clarity of the arguments presented. Comments:

  Critically appraise qualitative research design, methods and analysis* ?? Critically appraise quantitative research design, methods and analysis including basic statistics Critically appraise qualitative research design, methods and analysis* ?? Critically appraise quantitative research design, methods and analysis including basic statistics
Critically appraise qualitative research design, methods and analysis* ?? Critically appraise quantitative research design, methods and analysis including basic statistics